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Tru-Soft® Solar Coarse Water Softener Salt Crystals


Tru-Soft® Solar Coarse Water Softener Salt Crystals are grown using the natural clean energy of the sun and wind. Think of sun-fresh salt crystals enhancing the water we use every day!

Tru-Soft® Solar Salt Crystals for water softening are naturally formed crystals that are selectively harvested from a salt lake in Carlsbad, New Mexico. Our solar salt crystals are NSF certified. Tru-Soft® Solar Salt Crystals are a cost-effective option for water softening as they can reduce bridging and mushing in water softening units and help reduce scale buildup from hard water which can increase the lifespan of pipes, fittings, heaters, boilers, and other appliances. Since scale buildup can impair the efficiency of your appliances, our water softening products could even help lower your energy bills! The Water Quality Research Foundation found that softened water can effectively clean your clothes with 50% less detergent on the cold water setting.

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