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Rust-Oleum® Glitter Interior Wall Paint Iridescent Clear


Glitter Wall Paint provides an intense, multi-dimensional shimmer to interior walls without the mess often associated with glitter. The paint, which comes with the glitter already mixed in it, lets you make a statement in any room. Glitter Wall Paint can be applied by brush, roller or sprayer. It dries to the touch in 2 hours and additional coats can be applied to create a bolder look. The final result is a slightly textured, low-profile finish.

Intense glitter finish that provides multi-dimensional shimmer and sparkle,
Clear Topcoat + Glitter formula provides durable flake resistant finish,
Easy to use - apply with roller, brush or paint sprayer
Can be applied to drywall, wood, metal, plastic and hardboard
Interior only
Soap and water clean up

To ensure proper drying, use Glitter Interior Wall Paint when the temperature is between 50°F (10°C) and 90°F (32°C and humidity is below 85% to ensure proper drying. Use light, even coats to build desired glitter coverage.

Apply Glitter Interior Wall Paint over a similar colored basecoat. We recommend the following basecoats.

Iridescent Clear Glitter Paint: Use over any color satin or non-flat paint.
Sterling Silver Glitter Paint: Use over Zinsser® Bulls Eye 1-2-3® gray primer.
Harvest Gold Glitter Paint: Use over golden brown satin or non-flat paint.

28 oz

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